Tuesday, October 21, 2008

BLOG 7 Black Holes of Depression

Depression can be one of those tricky black holes in our human experience. It's neither here (anger), nor there (sadness). Depression can feel like a preferable place to hang out for a while when we're not comfortable with either of those other two emotions. Infrequently, I have spent time with clients who described themselves as depressed, detached, uncaring, and hopeless. Working with those clients resulted in our finding an exciting new discovery together, that became a springboard out of the black hole they called depression and into the light of day that’s always waiting for us when we are willing to surface into love.

Often what we experience as a “numbing-out” sensation may not be classified as clinical depression at all, but rather a periodic emotional overload, laced with understandable responses from devastating loss, such as that of a loved one or close friend. Sometimes we feel so completely detached from the sources of love and support that are all around us that it feels like hopelessness is the only emotion we have left.

Our willingness is the key here. Our human intent, that which has infinite organizing capacities, will function as the bridge between overwhelming despondency and regaining aliveness again.

Remember that old/new age line: Fake it till you make it?

We’ve all got this juicy imagination; the kind that, when we were children, could literally envision the cerulean blue fenders and exact number of shiny spokes on the wheels of that Schwinn bicycle we wanted for Christmas. We had to see it first to get it.

What would it take to begin, right now, to use your colorful, specific imagination to envision what it would like to reacquaint yourself with the love that is all around you, just waiting for you to raise your hand up and say, “Pick me!”

You have nothing to lose.

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