Wednesday, December 10, 2008


There are Truths, with a capital “T” that transcends interim truths, what I call those with a lower-case “t”. An interim truth could be “I don’t have enough money.” Or “I’m miserable.” Or “I’m lonely.”

Frankly those are pronouncements that when asked “Is that true?” we would respond by saying, “Of course it’s true! Look at my dwindling bank account. Nothing’s working for me. Every relationship I have falls apart.”

Here’s a clue that these are simply interim truths: Nothing and every and always simply don’t exist, except in human language that prevents us from seeing clearly, without confusion. Those are more often used for dramatic purposes than to acknowledge what’s so. Our egotistical minds want to convince us they are true, but even a casual inquiry by a more objective, loving friend will quickly reveal how insidiously distorted these perspectives are. While some areas of our lives may, from time to time, present challenges, even whopper-sized predicaments, other areas of our lives, when we allow ourselves to focus there instead, work perfectly. Consider right now that your heart is beating, your lungs are breathing in and out, and your eyesight is functioning to focus on these words and the ambient light around you. Right now move your fingers on both hands, and then touch your cheek or your nose and marvel at the perfection in which you did that. It’s a simple exercise designed to remind us that more is working in our lives than not––even in the direst of times.

It’s a higher function of where we focus and how we use human words to describe our current situations. This does not mean it’s not important to honestly assess what’s going on in our lives. It is, but it is equally important to give that assessment equal billing with everything else that is working perfectly, while listening to the thoughts and words we choose to have, paying greatest attention to only those that are Truth-FULL.

What is the current Truth in your life? What are you willing to do with that Truth right now? How can that greater Truth help you with the smaller truths in your life?

You have nothing to lose.